Saturday, September 24, 2011

Cat mistress

These days I am a sorry excuse for the party girl I once was. Ok, girl might be stretching it, but woman then.

Very often when I'm away I think about my cats. What are they doing, do they miss me, are they up to something mischievous?

This pattern has gotta change. Not a foot in the grave yet.

I know it's good for the cats that I'm away, and they get a chance to miss me. The feeling when I get home and Zetti meets me inside the door, having small eyes and yawning gives it away even if she wants to project the image that she was wide awake and just waiting for me to come back, is sooo nice. Zina takes a more leisurely approach, coming when it suits her.

Yes, gotta snap out of this! The cats are fine without me. At least until they get hungry...

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