Saturday, September 24, 2011

Politicians - respect

So after failing miserably in being my old self, having fallen asleep with a pile of purring fur next to me this afternoon, I ended up watching tv about people who got incapacitated and how they deal with it. Uplifting on a Saturday evening. Not.

But it made me think. Being a politician must be the worst profession there is. How do you decide where to invest the money? The elderly, who have worked their whole life and deserve a pension? Or perhaps the children who needs a good school in order to grow up and be good and tax-paying adults? Or what about the disabled who cannot tend to themselves? Or what about infrastructure, housing and transportation?

I think whatever the politicians decide, they will get criticized. And probably rightly so. We need interest groups, but imagine having a job getting criticized whatever you do. How many people would put up with that?

And for the record I'm not talking about idiots like Berlusconi, Ghadaffi and others who just want to rip people off.

Personally, I think a tax percentage of 30% is reasonable to help others. Work 1,5 days a week to support the society, and 3,5 days for yourself. That would make sense. Countries like whole of Africa, most of South America, eastern Europe and Greece in western Europe would be out of poverty in notime. Remember where you heard it first!


Anonymous said...

I dunno, I'd be pretty sure a lot of those countries already have tax rates at that level or higher and it doesnt seem to be helping them, but you're right, they're probably not spending much of it on helping people, and more on stupid things like the military and paying people pension from age 57

Witchbitch said...

From what I read about Greece, nobody seems to pay any taxes at all.