Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Old friend

When in pain the best thing to do is to something, so today I met up with a friend who was in town. We don't meet very often, since she's now living abroad, but it's always fun to catch up.

However, both of us aren't getting any younger, so nowadays it's a lot of catching up on diseases since last time. We had to laugh about it, what else can you do?

I have my current problems with a swollen cheek and the causes of it, and she has gotten eye problems. But I told her no worries, when she'll have her operation next year, I'll buy her a white cane.

We took a walk up the hill to the top of Zürich and had a lovely lunch at a restaurant. I do not often eat out, so I very much appreciated it. A wok with sweet/sour duck which tasted delicious. And I managed to eat half of it, on the left side, and got a doggybag with me. No point in wasting food.

A great afternoon which cheered me up, so much that I've only taken one painkiller today. I think the penicillin is starting to kick in, third day now. I only hope the swelling will go down. Now!

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