Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sweet wine

Last week Denner again had a sale on my house wine, so I placed an order. And as usual the delivery was quick and efficient. However, when I opened the first bottle, I felt something was wrong. It was sweet. Not dry as it usually is. But I persevered. To be honest I wasn't sure whether it was a bottle from the new delivery, or something I had from before.

Anyway, after checking it out, I realized it was true. It was sweet, and sugar collected in the bottom of the glass.

So I wrote an email to Denner, and it only took them a couple of days to investigate. The answer: "Sie haben recht, der Monte Castello Pinot Grigio hat beim 2014er Jahrgang neben den typischen Pinot Grigio Aromen auch etwas Muskat. Das ist scheinbar wetterbedingt im 2014er weit verbreitet und macht sich bei längerer Lagerung bemerkbar. Wenn Ihnen der Pinot Grigio 2014 nicht schmeckt, können Sie Ihn in jeder Filiale zurückbringen."

Meaning I was right, having to do with the weather in 2014 (previous bottles from 2013) and that it now contains also 'Muscat' grapes. And that I can bring all the bottles back to my nearest Denner.

Haha, they will be surprised if I do, considering the quantity. So now I wrote back asking if I can change the 2014 bottles to 2013, awaiting an answer.

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