Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Paint in a corner

It's amazing what difference one liter of paint can make. Until now they two catshelves have been painted in this silver grey, as well as my own ladder and the cats ladder, and now also a bit of a wall. And I'm not done. I did the mistake of not taping the walls, using only a sheet of paper as protection, and some of the colour "travelled" to the sides. But that will be fixed by painting the sides as well, using tape.

The reason I didn't use tape was that the white paint very easily comes off with the tape (experience from when I painted the bedroom wall).

Anyway, I think it does make a difference, gives a bit of depth to that corner. And the only reason I decided to paint it, is that the balcony door is almost always open and makes that bit of wall quite dirty with the stuff coming in from outside. Only, that depth reason sounds nicer :).

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