Tuesday, February 09, 2016

A little shopping spree

So I did go shopping today. First I bought a pair of jogging pants, I mean proper ones. I used to powerwalk/jog in old mans shorts, that I bought in South Africa (urgently needed something to swim in) a long time ago, so well invested money, even though it was full price. Ouch!

Then I found a skirt for 5 francs (yippee!) and two sweaters for the price of one. As well as a pair of tights in another store for a whopping 17 francs! H&M used to sell tights for like 3 for 10, but not anymore. However, they are very slimming and for that worth its price.

Slowly but surely I am expanding my wardrobe, and for once this evening my guests will see me in something new. I wonder if they will notice?

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