Saturday, February 20, 2016

Kids, kids everywhere

I know, it's been a while. Not that I haven't had something to say, but time flies and enough with excuses.

Today I was at a birthday party with plenty of kids. The birthday person herself had reached an age even older than me (!), but with a large family there was no getting away. There were kids friggin everywhere! If I wanted to move my chair I had to look out. But I have to admit. They were well behaved.

The thirteen kids aging between 1 and 17 were quiet in comparison to the two monsters living next door. Which leads me to believe that after two kids, they start to educate each other and the parents get more relaxed. I saw food being passed on to the kid being more hungry, kids taking care of each other without bothering the parents, and we the adults could have uninterrupted conversations.

If all parents could be like that, I wouldn't dislike kids so much. Yeah right, in my dreams.

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