Monday, February 08, 2016

No shopping spree

I had a lunch date in the city today, and thought that I'd finally get around to go shopping for clothes while there. Most of my stuff is falling apart from wear and tear, and to be honest, aging. Fashion has never been my thing, and every time I walk into a clothing shop I get pain in my back and feel an urgent need to get out and have a ciggie.

But I did try. However, I had to visit a friend who works in the city and who wanted to go for a drink (hey, when did I ever say no to that?), and I had to check on the boat. And then conveniently my tram arrived, and I immediately postponed the shopping for tomorrow.

At least I came home with a brand new pair of shoes (50% off!!) and a purple powerband. It's one of these thingies you work out your arms with (am trying to avoid bingowings). The guy in the shop looked a bit funny at me, when I told him I wanted a purple. Apparently there are different colours for different strengths of the band. Purple is strong in case you're interested. Personally I think colour is more important than functionality ;).

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