Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Brand new filling

Went to see my gorgeous dentist today. I wish it would have been under other circumstances. He's always so cheerful and acts like he's happy to see me again, and yadi-yadi-yada I understand he's like that with everybody, but still, it's nice.

The reason was that a filling was coming lose, and needed replacement. And I don't get that mankind put a man on the moon nearly 50 years ago, and still haven't invented drills that aren't so noisy it feels like your head is gonna explode.

Nearly an hour it took to remove the old filling, and replace it, and at one point I had kinduva mask over my face. Felt really weird. I wish that I once could look my best with gorgeous man, and not like something out of a horror film with half my face hanging down due to anaesthetics. Just sayin'.

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