Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Unexpected meeting

I had an extremely nice day yesterday. First I had an old friend over in the afternoon, and we had no shortage of things to talk about over homemade brownies and Irish coffee. No better way to spend a cold afternoon.

In the evening I had made an appointment for a guy to look at my guest room. Flatmate is leaving, he's found his own abode, and I am currently looking for a new person.

The day before yesterday a woman was here, but I got some funny vibes, so not sure about her. The guy yesterday on the other hand, omg. It was like we've known each other a long time, and we talked, talked, talked about everything and nothing. He ended up staying for six hours, we had dinner and kept on talking. The only catch is that he yesterday got a new job offer away from Zürich, otherwise he could've practically moved in directly. So let's see how it goes, if he decides to leave beautiful Zürich.

Funny that, how you with some people get along so well so quickly, and others not.

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