Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Burger King is coming into town

So far Burger King has only had restaurants in Oerlikon and in Kloten airport, at least as far as I know. From today it is now also available in the main station, which I happen to pass almost every day. Forget McDonalds, I can certainly live without them, but Burger Kings burgers are another matter. Sometimes I can get a craving for a Whopper (usually something to do with alcohol intake the day before strangely enough). So today I thought I'd give it a go, given it is the first day open and all. Was kinda hoping for a free something. After having spent 5 min in an ocean of teenagers, watching the staff move at snails pace, if at all, I decided against it. They really have to do a bit better than this! And it's a tiny place! How the heck are they going to cope? What were they thinking about? Didn't anybody do market research? And did they just pick up any unemployed loser to do something as difficult as SERVING A FRIGGIN BURGER!?! Seriously, how hard can it be?


Anonymous said...

Re: Burger King
First Hooters on Helvetiaplaz, and now Burger King? What's happening to your city?

Witchbitch said...

I KNOW! I am ashamed for some strange reason. And BTW I didn't know Hooters were in town, but CG enlightened me. Trust a German MALE to be informed about these things.

Anonymous said...

'burger king'
the concept of fast food is kinda beyond the Swiss I think, since the only point of it is that its cheap and quick and in Zurich its neither of those.
argh Hooters. the epitome of everything thats wrong with American 'culture' (and yes I know as an Australian I cant say much)

chad and cheryl said...

Chad here, totally agree Budger King over McDonalds. Gona have to make a trip to Zurich and try it put.