Thursday, August 28, 2008

Coffee machine misery

About 5 years ago I bought a coffee machine from the ex's father for the prime price of around 150 CHF, around 1,000 on the market. Yes, it was one year old but as good as new. Two days ago the friggin machine decided it had it, and refused to release the dreg drawer. Meaning you couldn't get the used coffee out. CG, the self-nominated techie in this household, decided he would fix it. This meant that he got the dreg drawer out, but couldn't get it in again (is there a lesson to be learnt here?). Well, it meant I couldn't get any coffee in the morning, and as we all know, without coffee in the morning it is impossible to function. So I got the ex to come over and fix it. I know he's a fixer, and can get anything working (hehe). He told me I should've cleaned the machine. Me: "well, nobody told me that and it worked for 5 years". Him: "nobody told you to clean your ass either, but you still do it". Hmmm. Not only have I now got a working coffee machine, but I also got a cooked dinner. Now, who's the loser in this story?


Anonymous said...

'coffee machine'
you didnt clean your coffee machine for 5 years?!! gees, maybe that explains why the one and only proper coffee I've ever had made me totally crazy - I had it at your place

Witchbitch said...

I cleaned the stuff I could reach, but I didn't open the thingie up to clean inside.