Monday, August 04, 2008


In Verona there were posters advertising Shakespeare's "Amleto". Italian is so cute. And of course we had to do the touristy thing again, since two of the joiners had not seen the balcony before. Here she is, the famous Juliet (mind you, why every tourist must caress her breast is beyond me...I would never!).

And these days you're allowed on the balcony, which is why I had to wait forever to get a pic on the empty balcony. I didn't want some German, Japanese or any other nationality showing its ugly face on my pic.


Anonymous said...

but didnt you want your own lovely face, doing the touristy 'wherefore art thou pose' he he he

Witchbitch said...

No way. Besides, think Juliet was something like 15 years old. Fat chance of looking like that.