Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Rivella is some kind of drink, that is said to have something with milk in it. Personally not my favourite, and especially not after the launch today in 20 minutes. I thought it was something wrong with the newspaper when I got it in my hand. The paper was all yellow and looked strange. Turned out to be the launch of this new Rivella flavour, but considering the colour (piss-yellow) I think I pass...


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if Rivella really does taste disgusting or I just think so because the idea of sweet fizzy milk is so off-putting. The swiss have some strange ideas.

Witchbitch said...

Indeed they do, and I don't understand how Rivella can have other colours than white if it's milk!?!

chad and cheryl said...

I think it tastes like Smarties - yummy! Don't know about the new flavor though...

Witchbitch said...

Nah, you must be thinking of something else. Otherwise Smarties must taste completely different in the US of A...