Sunday, May 24, 2009


A friend tells me that Aromat is Swiss. You know that spice that comes in a yellow container, tasting like...well I don't know how to describe it, but really nothing you'd like to eat. Tried to google and wikipedia it but don't find an answer. Is Aromat Swiss? If so, they've got a lot to answer for. I have learned that ze Swiss "invented" muesli, and that's fine. Where I come from we invented the telephone as well as Skype, the dynamite and we furnished the world (Ikea). But who am I to complain? Perhaps ze Swiss "invented" a spice...


Anonymous said...

annika! how long have you lived in Zurich, and you dont know that Armoat is Swiss?! AND you dont like to eat it?? I can't beleive they gave you a C permit

Witchbitch said...

I can honestly say I had no idea. And just wait until I apply for a Swiss passport :)