Monday, May 18, 2009

We muzt follow ze rules

If you want to travel in Zürich at night with tram, bus or train you must pay an additional fee of something like 5 francs. This is of course not advertised, so this is something you must know. Ex-flatmate SBN didn't. Or forgot. Or was too drunk. Any of those are possible... The cost for this oversight is around 80 francs and honest as he is he went to the nearest ticket booth to pay up. That was a no-go. "We muzt follow ze rules", meaning his ticket needs to be processed through the system and a bill must be sent for him to pay. Only he's out of the country for a month and has no address in Switzerland, which is why I ended up with a post-it note with his name on it on my mailbox. It's been sitting there for weeks now, and no sight of any bill although I have no doubt that it will appear. Ze Swiss don't forget.

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