Thursday, May 21, 2009

Faulty pedometer?

That friggin pedometer is playing tricks on me. It doesn't record all steps I take at home, since I've gotten used to tread lightly living in a flat with people underneath. And it didn't help with a "friend" who said she sat on a plane and a train all day and was up to 7,000 steps in the early afternoon, and 17,000 this evening. I want her pedometer! Also, another so called friend told me his 74-year-old mother is up to 8,000 a day! After walking more than normal (mind you on a day off!) I can report a measly 5,964 steps today. Which kinda reminds me off when I was little and was losing a game (any game) I was always changing the rules or blaming something. It ain't my fault!


Anonymous said...

ha, ha, why am I not surprised you were one of those kids who always wanted to change the rules. I bet you were liek my sisiter - when she realised she couldnt win a board game she'd suddenly jump up and knock everything off the board.

(I'm back ;), but might not be very regular I'm afraid)

Witchbitch said...

Did you walk to your new city? You've been gone a long time...