Monday, May 10, 2010


After having pain in my arm for about 6 months I finally dragged my ass to the doctor. There was good news and bad news. Good news is I now know what it is. Calcium in my shoulder, meaning the bones are gnawing at each other without tendons and ligaments to protect. Friggin painful I tell you. Also good news is that there was nothing I did. Cause is not frivolous lifestyle, nor is it food- or drinkrelated. Not even age, even though I think that might have an influence. Who has ever heard of a 6-year-old with calcium in their shoulder? Bad news is that if the medicine I got to take for 10 days doesn't help, I will need cortisone injections. Surely that cannot be good. And if the cortisone doesn't help, I will need surgery. Hmmm. Not too happy with that. Had an x-ray where he pointed out two tiny spots where the calcium has chosen to have a party. Funny thing was that my left shoulder, which I do not have any problems with, had a malformation. Huh? Thinking back I suppose it could have come from the time when I was a youngster and had a fall when doing a loop in gymnastics. Should've known already then that sports are no good. Anyway, having a sonogram next week "to make sure the ligaments aren't about to pop". What!?! Is that an option? That sounds REALLY painful. Story to be cont'd...


Anonymous said...

but surely there must be a cause? if you dont know the cause how can you prevent it from happening again. how frustrating!

Witchbitch said...

There might be a cause, only science hasn't discovered it yet.

Not the first time I have a condition with unknown cause. Had pityriasis rosea ( once.

Anonymous said...

ah, but that just goes away so it doesnt matter.
and no offence to your doctor, but my experience says just 'cos a GP doesn't know a cause of something doesnt mean science doesnt. Ask 10 different doctors, you'll get 10 different answers....

Witchbitch said...

I googled it, and couldn't really find a cause but you're right about doctors. And so far the medicine I got hasn't helped one millimeter.