Monday, May 31, 2010

More foreigners in Switzerland

Another evening, another dinner. This time to celebrate that Bro, my little brother (getting all teary-eyed here...remembering him when he was speaking unintelligently, slobbering all over the place and was running around in diapers!) is moving to Switzerland! I am so extremely happy, both for him and for me. It'll be nice to have him (and his girlfriend) on an hours distance from Zürich. Close but not too close if you know what I mean. Happy days!


Anonymous said...

wow, thats exciting! you really are the trend setter

Witchbitch said...

And when will you follow?

Anonymous said...

been there, done that ;)

but actually we'll be back within the next few years I think, but in the meantime a 4 week visit in July, yay! (I told you about that didnt I?)

Witchbitch said...

You did, but we haven't booked anything yet. Send me an email and give me some possible dates for dinner.