Monday, May 31, 2010

Jetzt spreche ich Deutsch!

Tomorrow is the last day of my German class, and we were discussing what to do. The teacher presented three alternatives, one to just have a normal class, second to have class half the time, then go for coffee and third, to watch a movie in German. To my utter surprise several people opted for the first alternative! What is wrong with people? Luckily I got more people to follow my direction and go for the second choice. Then of course I'm doing a second course, which "conveniently" starts on Thursday this week, so for me this is half-time. Never a dull moment!


Anonymous said...

I was thinking of you in my Gemran class last night when it was 10 minutes after the class was supposed to finish and people were still asking boring grammar questions, too much to take at 1/4 to 9 on a monday night. I was trying to summon one of those death stares you used to give Keith in our losers course

Witchbitch said...

Haha, had forgotten about him. He was the guy who always always asked irrelevant questions. What a bore!