Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Not always as planned

So in German class today I was impatiently waiting for the fun part. Only the teacher made us write "Infinitivsätze", "Konjunktivsätze" and three more that I ignored. Then it was feedback about the course, then homework stuff, then then then...it never friggin stopped. Ended up going for that coffee ten minutes before the end of the class. I cleverly decided to skip it, and left. What the f...? Too many people have no idea how to live. And if you think I'm wrong, what do you remember from school? The boring classes, the homework or the parties you had? Exactly!


Anonymous said...

how annyoing, I have the same problem in my German class. I bet that wouldn't happen if it was a Spanish class or something like that.

Witchbitch said...

The Latinos know better how to enjoy life. Ze Swiss/Germans have a lot to learn...