Thursday, June 03, 2010

New class

Todays class was a new setting. Five of the students were the same as last month, and seven were new. So was the teacher. At first she appeared very firm and without a sense of humour, coupled with a very impressive body size. A bit scary even. But gotta say she knew what she was talking about and she structured the class much more attractively than the other guy. I didn't look at the time more than once! What I do not like is that three students came from the French-speaking part of Switzerland and to me sounded fluent. Grammatics didn't seem to be an issue with them. Clearly they should be in another class, so that the level shall stay on what was promised. Anyway, todays writing topic was how we experienced Switzerland when we first arrived. The teacher told us a story showing how everything is relative. A Japanese woman had referred to ze Swiss as spontaneous! HAHAHAHAHAHA!


Anonymous said...

good luck. we had a few of those know-everything-about-German types in our last class and it was most annoying. Luckily they got fed up with us know-nothings and left after a while

Witchbitch said...

My fingers are crossed! And you're not a know-nothing, last I heard you were far better than me!

Anonymous said...

that was a long time ago - years of almost no need for German has had their impact

Witchbitch said...

Thought you spoke German at home!