Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ze Swiss transportation system

I loooove ze Swiss public transport. Like tonight. I went out after the apero. As you do after being boozed up the whole afternoon. It was fun, especially when 20 guys walked into the place and started to play around. Was a tuff decision to leave, but as I'm a hard woman I did. Went to the tram-stop only to see a sign where it said something like "tram will leave from Bahnhofquai". So I walked over there. Big effort, it's at least a one minute walk. Then "my" tram home arrived. Stepped on it, and it took the wrong direction. Went over to the driver to complain, who informed me in a very nice way that the tram tonight is having another route. I calculated in my head where I could step off the tram and take the bus to get home, and when standing up to get off the driver said "it's four minutes wait until your bus comes". Now tell me, in which other country do you get this service?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not in this one thats for sure!