Thursday, June 10, 2010


The summer is truly here. Last couple of weeks I have used my balcony for dinners several times. It is fantastic sitting out there, overlooking (partly at least) the city. It's like my own little oasis. Yesterday we grilled and had salad, mushroom and other grill paraphernalia. Yummie. Then we had to try the Turkish raki that the Istanbul travellers brought back last week, "because it tastes so good together with water melon". Nah it doesn't I can honestly say. Think cat pee would be preferrable. Not too keen on this baklava either. Far too sweet if you ask me. Seems the further you go east, the more sweet the desserts. Soon invited an apero (another one!). Always a reason to party in the summer!


Anonymous said...

yay, summer!
really? I love baklava. the trick is to eat only a small piece in small bites.

Witchbitch said...

I prefer a big bite of something chocolaty.