Friday, June 18, 2010

Small world

I just got a phone call from a guy who calls me pretty often. I.e. his mobile calls my mobile, probably because I am first in his phone book. So if I choose to, I can follow his life but after hearing a fight with his girlfriend I have learned to end the call once I see his id on my phone. Today however he actually was there calling me. Him and his friend, who one or two summers ago were on the boat with me (cannot remember when I laughed as much!), were having lunch in Chicago by the Michigan lake. Which for the uninformed is not really a lake. At least not in the Zürichsee league. More like an ocean. Anyway. Turns out when questioned he lives about 10 mins from a good friend of mine. Small world, isn't it? I know them both, but from very different time and very different places. Small world, what can I say?

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