Sunday, May 16, 2010

Living with B

I've had quite a few flatmates in my day, so consider myself experienced in this area. But I've never lived with somebody who takes so little space (not only because he's tiny!) as B. He asks permission to watch the news on tv, he insists I tell him if I think he does something wrong, he buys food, he keeps his room tidy. I try to make him feel at home, like he lives here, but I guess he's not used to live together with somebody. And tomorrow he's off on vacation for two weeks. And tomorrow evening my friend from Northern Ireland is moving in. And knowing him as I do, he won't be so tidy...


Anonymous said...

I'd assumed you were just having a visitor stay for a little while - so you've got an actual flat mate again then?

Witchbitch said...

Nah, a friend is just staying here while his flat is being renovated.