Saturday, August 14, 2010

Flip or flop, hot or not

Despite raining cats and dogs tonight I ventured into town, only to lose one of my sexy flip-flop-sandals in a pool of water. Took two steps with my speedy stride before I could stop. Almost like a train coming to a halt. There's a lot to be read into that! Then I realized that I'm more of a noisy duck in a small pond, than a fish in an ocean. I really do not appreciate being squashed and apprehended by idiots. Also realized that neighbour promised me lasagne tomorrow, and that I was really hungry. Went and bought a kebab, which happens roughly once a year and asked them to do it really, really, really hot! Jeez, my skin was curling! Maybe next year I'll ask them to make it only really, really hot. But all in all, I'm happy I went. After all, the streetparade is only once a year! And where else do you get to observe a bunny?

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