Saturday, August 28, 2010

Move around

Am re-furnishing flat in my head, since I got half a promise from Bro to buy that desk for me. Half a promise makes me go into overdrive. Might have to deal with disappointment when they arrive, but until then... So sofa corner table will go in the kitchen, so that I can use it for storing drinks and other stuff, which will leave kitchen counter more clean. Sofa will be moved closer to the corner. Big bulky black leather armchair, currently residing in the guest room, will go next to the sofa and the wine stand will be moved elsewhere, dunno where yet. The chest of drawers in the guest room will be moved to the other wall, next to the cd stands. The new and shiny desk will go in front of the windows in the guest room...1.80m long so will easily accommodate two people. Old stools will fit underneath. Yes!! This'll be good.

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