Sunday, August 08, 2010


Did the unspeakable today. I ironed my brothers shirts. In my defense it was the first time. Plus the fact that he is arriving back from holiday late tomorrow evening, and has to go to work on Monday morning early. Monday afternoon he is moving into a new flat, and I guess that an ironing board is not gonna be the first thing he unpacks. In fact I know it's gonna be the folding bed from Ikea that he's borrowing from me. I told two friends, and I believe they haven't stopped laughing yet. So go on, heckle me! But I love my Bro, even though he hitched up with an Eastern European!


Anonymous said...

oh my, oh my oh my. its not so much that you did it, but after all the shit you put on his girlfriend for doing it, multiple repetions of shit giving

Witchbitch said...

I know, I really hope he won't tell her!