Sunday, August 01, 2010

Legen...wait for it...dairy

Ok, so I'm kinda hooked (too much time on my hands I suppose) with this series called "How I met your mother". Which I incidentally called "How I met my mother" once, and of course is not as catchy. And for the record, am not recommending it. Not very good actually. Turned out that one of the guys tonight was familiar with the series. It's this guy in the series (my fav!) called Barney, and he is awesome. He also has an expression going; legen...wait for it...dary. Which got really funny tonight when the host and hostess served chocolate cake for dessert. Me: "Legen...wait for it". Him "dairy!". I guess you had to be there.


Anonymous said...

oh dear oh dear.

hope thats not gonna become a regular part of your vocabulary. would even prefer 'super fantastic' ;)

Witchbitch said...
