Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I dunno what's gotten into me lately. You can never guess what I bought today! Funny thing is after examining what's on the market, seems to me there are a lot more hair straighteners than their are curlers or stylers. Are there that many curly-haired people who can be arsed to straighten their hair every day? I only know one.
Another strange thing. Why is the perfume & accessories department always on the ground floor in a department store? I find it a bit irritating with all these shop assistants asking if I want to smell their perfume or whatever. Not that they always "attack" me, they probably just take one look at me and the decide I'm a lost cause. But still.
My favourite floor is the fourth, where they have all the interior design stuff. Lotsa gorgeous and very expensive things there. Will avoid in future.

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