Thursday, November 11, 2010

Reality show

Kept on watching this reality show about a hospital. What irritates me is when the doctor is examining a child, who screams constantly and when it's all done gets to hear "oh, you're such a good girl", when she wasn't at all. On the contrary, she was being a real pain. I hope not all doctors lie like that, considering that I'm seeing one tomorrow. And not only that, kids that go in the ambulance gets a free teddybear. And after the examination they get an icecream! Talk about spoiling the offspring. In my day you had to be quiet in order to get a big gold star in your dentist card, a little screaming generated a small gold star and if you screamed a lot you got nothing. Taught me that nothing comes for free in this world. That's something else than the curling parents these days, sweeping the ice for their kids making them into grownups thinking that still everything comes for free. Not helping if you ask me. The expert in raising kids...

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