Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Under the knife

Must admit I am starting to feel a bit anxious. Not really nervous, but every operation has some risks and early tomorrow I have to be at the hospital. They plan to do a full anesthetic, and I have to stay in the hospital at least one night. The doc said that I'll be sleeping comfortably in a beach chair (!). Wonder if it comes with a little drink with a umbrella. Op will take approx 90 minutes, and hopefully they will find all the stuff that has been causing me problems for the last year. There is a risk they will have to stitch my tendon, in which case the recovery will take a little longer. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to this. Had enough of pain for a while. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck lady! You're going to be fine..and the pain will be gone ..after a while anyway!

love to you,

John, NJ USA