Sunday, November 14, 2010

Onesomeness rocks

I have been watching a lot of reality soaps lately, and one thing that strucks me is how everybodys dream seems to be twosomeness. Not that I haven't seen this irl, but it is an overwhelming percentage of all people who cannot be alone and be happy with it. It's soaps about farmers looking for a wife, alone mothers looking for a new man, Hollywood wives living off their successful and rich husbands, and even fortune hunters from Bulgaria :). I don't understand this, but realize that I am the odd one out. Still I don't get it. And considering that about 50% of all marriages and relationships do not last, why do people still strive so much for not living on their own? It's beyond me. The feeling of having a half-eaten kebab from the last drunken night for breakfast, the freedom of a good fart under the duvet, the ability to plan your day just as you like it, the flexibility of meeting your friends whenever, the opportunity of going out when you feel like it. This for me is freedom. I'm not much for compromize, in case you didn't get it.

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