Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Time to pack

I have a flaw. I know this surprises you, but yes, I have one. I am extremely good in planning, I am compulsary in keeping appointments. Being late for me does not exist. However, I have this thing about packing. I have spent many years travelling and I never once packed the night before. Always in the morning, even though like tomorrow I have to get up at 5.30. Wouldn't even enter my mind to prepare tonight. And in all these years of travelling the only thing I ever forgot to pack were beach towels when going to the Caribbean some 15 years ago. And whaddayaknow. They sold them there. Cheap too. Last time I had an operation was about 5 years ago. They told me not to drink, eat or smoke after midnight. Ha. I ended up at 3 in the morning very, very drunk. In the hospital, where I showed up at 7, they woke me up at 8 giving me some sorta sedation pill, so that I wouldn't worry about the op. Ha again. At that point in time nothing would've worried me. All I wanted was to sleep. And that I did. Mind you, I think they sedated me.

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