Thursday, March 03, 2011


I ate carbs today! Ok, so checking that mustard fruit that happened to contain 70% carbs and I gulped it down like a maniac. But apart from that I haven't had any carbs for 2,5 weeks. Today I had a sandwich. One from my favourite place Kafi-Schnaps, and it was delish. Bread, ham, mustard, cucumber and what-have-you. Yum! But it's the only thing I ate today, so excused.


Anonymous said...

a low/no carb will definitely lose weight if thats your goal. I did the Atkins diet (no carb first 3 weeks..then only 20-30gm of carbs per day after that until you reach your goal weight)..back in 1999..I lost 35 lbs in 3 months! But actually got too skinny...people thought I had some terminal disease.. but at least my pants fit me back then!

Witchbitch said...

Well, I sat still for 2 months waiting for my arm to heal so yes, I do need to lose some weight. But I'm not stressed about it. But like you, I want to clothes to fit again. But I feel fine, and will allow myself the occasional treat.

Anonymous said...

well, I say you're mad woman, mad. Carbs are good, no way I'd give 'em up.

Witchbitch said...

Only temporary. Wanna lose a few more kg's, that's all.