Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Molly RIP

Molly was a dog that belonged to my aunt and uncle. 4 days ago I spoke to my aunt and asked her how Molly was doing. She was fine at the time. She lived her life in peace, having a happy life until this morning when she got a brain haemorrhage. She died thinking about her happy life I like to believe. And I know, a dog isn't a person, but having had a dog for 15 years, she becomes a part of the family. And Molly was sweet. She was a big dog, but certainly not a watch dog. She welcomed everybody with the same enthusiasm, and kinda adopted you as part of the family at once. Unlike the cats in the household I might add. She liked to lean on you. If I sat in an armchair, Molly came up and leaned on my leg, waiting to be petted. In a way she reminded me of a man. A big man you never have to be afraid of, they are cuddly and friendly, it's the small ones you have to look out for! So Molly, you'll be missed. But it's nice to know you had the best life any dog could have had.

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