Monday, March 28, 2011

No taking the piss

I am tired of people who try to take the piss. When I wrote to Orange about my problems connecting to my own network, they suggested I call the helpline, paying for it. Yes, that's likely to happen. Since I am back on my own network for the moment I shall let this one pass, but keep the emails just in case.

The other one concerns my cleaning lady. I'd like to keep her cause she's good, but I have told her repeatedly that I am very flexible with which day she comes if we agree it beforehand, but less flexible with time. I hate when she comes early in the morning. I want that time to myself, slouching around in my pyjama with my coffee and cig. No interference please.

Two months ago cleaning woman called asking politely if we could change the time to earlier, I complied thinking it was a one-off. Told her though, that I prefer that she'd come a bit later in the day. This time she again insisted on coming early. We shall have a serious talk, and if she continues to disrespect my wishes she has to go. Too bad, since she's good.


Anonymous said...

are you sure? remember what a pain it was to find a good reliable cleaner that doesn't use your washing machine. How early are we talking?

Witchbitch said...

For you? Not so early. For me? Very early :).