Monday, March 14, 2011

Purple wall

Ok so maybe it wasn't as easy to paint as I made it sound. First I had to put tape around the corners and paper to cover the floor. Since I'm no expert, it was quite haphazardly done. And with a result that showed. First of all I had a roller, and realized I had to put the paint in a big bucket. Took a salad bowl, which I then had to tip over to make the paint cover the roller. Then it was too much, and dripped on the floor, all over me and some on the stuff around me. Waterbased paint my ass. Yes maybe if you clean it immediately. I am still sitting here picking purple paint off my skin, despite a shower with a brush before. Then it was the problem with paint spraying. Managed to put a purple spot in the ceiling, as well as on the wall on the side. And the tape the guy sold me to protect the corners turned out to take the white paint with it when taking it off. And you cannot really roll paint on in the corners, for that a brush is needed. Which means the texture becomes different. Worst of all, to make it look really good I have to do it all again tomorrow! What have I gotten myself into? But the thought of saving 400 francs of doing it myself, not to mention the satisfaction when it's done, is worth it. I think.


Anonymous said...

wejust did this job too - but we had yellow instead of purple on one of our kitchen walls.
I think you might have been missing a few things in the picture on your 'Got everything I need to paint the walls' post. Like a paint tray! (a salad bowl!!!). you can get little roller/brushes for use in corners and then there is no difference in the texture around the edges. We used one of these:

Still, your result looks alright in the pic

Witchbitch said...

Will go back to shop today, since I don't have enough paint for another round. Haha, borrowed a paint tray from the neighbour.

It does look ok, but there are some minor spots I need to fix. Therefore I'm doing the whole wall once again.