Sunday, July 10, 2011

Bathroom - oh yeah

Since a few days I'm trying to get my cats to socialize and not run away as soon as there are visitors, as well as keeping them up during the day.
I am mean enough to close the doors to the bedrooms so that they have no choice but to be in the living room.

But they are clever little bastards. A sink is as good place as any. Apparently.

And of course I couldn't resist to flush some water on them.


Anonymous said...

he he, thats so funny that they like the sink. I would have thought that would be the last place cats want to go.

Witchbitch said...

Me too, but they are fascinated with water. They always go into the shower after I'm done there. And then of course there are wet paw-prints all over the place.

Anonymous said...

cool. maybe you can have Swiss swimming cats

Witchbitch said...

Haha, maybe I'll bring the cats on the boat.