Monday, July 04, 2011

Close relationship with a cousin

Haha, saw this show on tv and it made me think. When I was at an event recently I met my cousin again. He and I are very close in mind, but we talk about once a year. We share a lot of history, as well as family of course. But we have different lives in different countries.

Anyway, some ten years ago we met in Stockholm. I was there on business in a hotel, and so was he. We had dinner in Sturehof, and then went on for a nightcap. Cannot remember where, but what I can remember is that it closed too soon. We still had a lot of talk to do.

So went back to my hotel. They were apparently used to all sorts of people there, and I couldn't take a guest to my room, unless he signed in.

Kept on telling them (at about 3 in the morning), "hey, this is my cousin". Yeah, in hindsight I can understand their hesitation. But my cousin signed in, we continued the party and then crashed.

Next I remember is him kissing me on my forehead before leaving in the morning. And of course he slept in a separate bed.

It's a good story that still goes around in the family.

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