Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Teenagers in the house

Realized I haven't written an update on the cats in some time :), but gotta document how much they've grown already! And they lost that baby-woolly-fur.

It is amazing how quick it goes. They've been with me less than 3 weeks, and it is clear already that Zetti is going to be bigger than her sister, and Zina is the braver one with an attitude towards Zetti.

Examined them today, ears, eyes, bellies, teeth, paws and the lot. They look really healthy to me. And only mildly appreciated me poking them.

And can they jump! They have found a place on top of a cupboard, where they like to lie and look down at me.


Anonymous said...

Absolutely adorable!!, reading your blog just lightens up my day (at work)....he he he. Steph

Witchbitch said...

I tell you, the kittens lighten up my day too. Every day. Although we're still in a discussion about walking on the dining table and on the kitchen counter when I'm not home...the pawprints give them up.