Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wannabe Swiss

I'm one. Figured if I'm gonna stay in Switzerland for the rest of my life I might as well get a passport. Realize I don't know enough about Switzerland to qualify, especially when it comes to politics. Have to read up on it. All I know is that the extreme right wing party is not my style. Plus I probably have to learn the names of all the cantons. All 26 of them!

Then tonight I thought about that I don't even know their national anthem, and tomorrow it's ze Swiss national day.

Which of course means more of a day off than anything else to me, but I could always hum it while cruising the lake...


Anonymous said...

none of the Swiss people I know know the national anthem either

I could only come up with 16 cantons off the top of my head and some of them were slightly wrong.

so, how much do you need to know to qualify?

Witchbitch said...

Very good, means I don't have to learn it either.

Not sure how much I need to know, but I understand it involves an interview with various questions. My guess is that the cantons will come up.

Anonymous said...

don't they have some kind of guide of the information you're expected to know? Here they tell you exactly what you have to know and give you a little book with all the info in to learn, its just like learning the road rules before a drivers licencse test. but I'm sure the Swiss like to make it much more difficult - wouldnt want to be too inclusive!

Witchbitch said...

They should. I have to do more research to find out.