Sunday, July 03, 2011

Sleeping pattern

Ah gad. I'm becoming a "parent". Worried today, when the kittens slept for like 9 hours. Thinking is it boring for them here? Is it not enough for them to do?

They didn't eat or drink much.

But like ten o'clock this evening they both woke up. And now I have two projectiles in my flat.

I needn't worry. Just too bad that we don't have the same sleeping pattern. Gotta admit, I still don't appreciate being walked on at night. And definitely not having claws in my body as soon as I move. But I arranged a real nice sleeping place on the sofa for them. Not that they care where they sleep. I found them snoozing in unexpected places more than once.

My cats and I, we're still getting to know each other.

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