Monday, July 04, 2011

Going green saves money

I'm such a cheapo. In Zürich we have these trash bags that you have to buy. For a 35 liter bag (normal size) it's about 2 Swiss francs. That's how trash collection is paid for in this country. And don't get me wrong, I like the idea. Pay for usage, rather than thru the taxes.

Yesterday I was cleaning the balcony and one of the plants were dead. More dead than the parrot in the Monty Python sketch. And it took up more than half a Zürisack. A 60-liter one mind you.

Then I came home today, and to my delight, I met the gardener. He fixes our plants and stuff outside the house and had a truck with him. It was filled with green trash. And he didn't mind taking my dead plant with him (Him: "hey, you can't throw that in there with the plastic bag. Me: "are you insane? That's why I want to give the plant to you").

Think I saved almost 2 francs! This is a good day.

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