Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The cats are home!

After having slept very little last night, I had an idea that I was gonna pick up the cats, and then we could have a nice snooze together this afternoon while they recovered.

Omg, I'm terrified to leave them alone more than a few minutes! When we got home Zina didn't move at all, and was cold. I had to massage her for a long time, wrapped in a blanket. Zetti was more her usual self, but both are walking slowly around on wobbly short legs, tipping over now and then. They also have trouble focusing with their eyes.

For some reason they want to be in the bedroom, feeling safe there I presume.

I cannot even laugh at them looking funny, 'cause I still worry so much. This is terror!


Anonymous said...

they should be fine by now...mostly the anesthesia that keeps them wobbly after the surgery. You did the right thing..I adopted my cat from the shelter 13 years ago..she was 3 weeks post-surgery. They'll be running around and getting into everything as usual in no time. Sounds like they have a very loving momma to watch over them! :)


Witchbitch said...

Yes, they are back to their usual selves now. This morning I found a little mat full of cat sand dragged around the living room! But they do seem a bit more hungry since the surgery. Am gonna have to watch over their weight.