Monday, January 30, 2012

17% increase

I have a beef with my bar, the one I'm usually going to. They raised the price of my wine with a whopping 17%. Just like that, in one go.

It's a bottle containing half a liter of white wine, and it used to cost 29 francs. This is an acceptable price for going out, listening to music and have fun for a few hours. 34 francs on the other hand, is steep I think.

I know, in a restaurant you pay more, but at home I pay 4.25 per bottle for my better house wine (well, not really, since I'm always buying when it's on sale, at least 20% discount I get. And it's 75 cl, not 50!).

I much rather go out when I have the feeling of not being ripped off.


Anonymous said...

ouch! and good luck with that - I think its pretty much impossible not to be ripped off when drinking wine while out in Switzerland

Witchbitch said...

True, true.