Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Shove the diet

So tonight I was meeting up with friends. It's a bit weird. We all met thru this woman, who moved back to England some years ago. Every time she's in town, she sets up a dinner date, and we all show up. Same people every time, and although we all live here (in and around Zürich), we never meet other times. I am now about to change that, since these are funny people.

We had dinner in a restaurant, and I took a break from my semi-strict diet. Want to point out that I didn't have all these dishes, the wienerschnitzel was mine. Fries exchanged for coleslaw. It was delish!

And then I had my fav dessert (after Toblerone mousse), an Irish coffee. Not a good diet day, but good fun.

But gotta say I'm a bit disappointed. People going home early, stating "I gotta work tomorrow". So? I remember going directly to the office from a night out. What is wrong with the youngsters of today? No stamina whatsoever.


Anonymous said...

Wow...this all looks delicious. You can't be on a diet that denies you everything all the time. did good to exchange the fries with coleslaw!


Witchbitch said...

Doing my best, but it's slow progress. On the other hand, I'm not in a hurry. I shall never look like a greyhound :(.