Sunday, January 08, 2012


If there is somebody in this world who needs a GPS, it is me. I have no clue where I am most of the time.

When I go by public transportation I get spit out at a station, and from there I can usually navigate, but the concept of north, east, west, and south is for me alien. Ok, so I know that the sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, but what if the sun is not shining?

These days most of my friends have iphones. Meaning they can get most information by the press of a button, and also inform me when the last tram goes.

Like yesterday. I was told my last tram went before midnight, so decided to stay for a while but get the other tram that goes to my place a bit later. Turns out my tram went after all.

Or I could just do like tonight, looking out the window of my fav bar and see when the tram passes. Then time it to be at the stop about 10 mins later. Like we did before internet existed.

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