Friday, January 13, 2012

When I'm irritated

Was watching telly, and for some reason I got to think of when I was irritated (not like I'm never irritated now, frequent readers of the blog should know that), but this particular time I was only 20 years old.

I had gotten a camera from my father. A brand new one. The only problem was that all the pictures came out grainy. Not matter what I did, the quality sucked. And in those days you had to go to a shop and get them developed. And pay for it! Not like these days, when you load them to your computer, then delete if not fine. At no cost.

So I wrote a letter (you know on paper, with an envelope and stamp and all!) to the company who had produced this camera. After like a week I got a nice letter back, with a voucher of about the equivalent of 30 francs. Like the pictures was gonna be better if I bought more film!

This triggered me to write another letter, saying I thought that the evening press would be mighty interested in the story, and that I wouldn't hesitate to contact them.

A few days later I got another letter, stating that I could go to the nearest shop (they had even researched which one was closest to where I lived, and this was long before google!) and pick out a new camera of my choice. At no cost to me.

See! It pays off to be irrited once in a while.


Anonymous said...

yay for you! Although it probably should have been a given that you;d get a replacement camera for a faulty one without yo have to write 2 letters. Still. I feel like companies were more responsive to complaint letters in the past. I remember getting heaps of free stuff when we were younger after writing letters of complaint. But maybe its just that I never get around to writing the letters anymore these days.

Witchbitch said...

Agree. Customer service ain't what it used to be.